Towards unlocking Georgia's European perspective

Tbilisi, 2019

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Challenges in the changing Middle East, the iran deal revisited: Israeli and European perspectives

Herzliya, Israel, November 7-8, 2018
Herzliya;FES,2019, 2019

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Grebe, Jan

Cooperation or competition?

Security in West Africa between ECOWAS and the G5
Berlin, 2018

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Said, Salam; Yazigi, Jihad

The reconstruction of Syria

Socially just re-integration and peace building or regime re-consolidation?
Berlin, 2018

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Albania's impact in the region in the albanian-speaking areas

Tirana, 2018

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Vuletić, Davor

Towards new foreign policy strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2023

Sarajevo, 2018

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Galis, Tibi; Mayerhofer, Jack

Making "never again" a reality

What Germany can contribute during its next term in the Security Council toward preventing mass atrocities
NewYork, 2018

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Southern African security review 2017

Maputo, 2018

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Ghiasy, Richard; Su, Fei; Saalman, Lora

The 21st century maritime silk road

Security implications and ways forward for the European Union
Berlin, 2018

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Scheindlin, Dahlia

Fresh thinking for old problems

Comparing conflicts to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace
Herzliya, 2018

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The 2018 Israeli foreign policy index of the Mitvim Institute

Herzliya, 2018

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Strategy, jointness, capacity

institutional requirements for supporting security sector reform
Berlin, 2018

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Perspectives of co-existence of EU and EAEU integration processes

The case of Armenia = Perspektivy sovmeščenija evropejskogo i evrazijskogo integracionnych processov : primer Armenii
Tbilisi, 2018

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The roots of violent extremism and radicalization

In Azerbaijan and Georgia
Tbilisi, 2018

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Albania and Greece

Understanding and explaining
Tirana, 2018

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