Krumm, Reinhard; Šukevićs, Krists; Zariņš, Toms

Under pressure

An analysis of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia
Riga, 2023

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Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Full report
Nicosia, 2023

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New Russian migrants against the war: Political action in Russia and abroad

Bonn, 2023

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Paikin, Zachary; Islam, Shada; Biscop, Sven

Regional actor, global player

Can the EU get the best of both worlds?
Brussels, 2023

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African perspectives on preventing and countering violent extremism

Maputo, 2023

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Belarus change tracker

March - May 2023
Kyiv, 2023

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Ukrainian prism: foreign policy 2022

Special issue: War-time
Kyiv, 2023

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Ukraine and Central Europe

Attitudes and perception
Kyiv, 2023

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Geopolitical shifts and global crises: What implications for the Middel East?

Beirut, 2023

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Khan, Amina

Afghanistan Monitor

Islamabad, 2023

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Begum, Shad

Role of the local government in disaster preparedness and response in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Executive summary
Islamabad, 2023

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Arnold, Ed

UK-German defence & security cooperation

A 2030 roadmap for enhanced cooperation
London, 2023

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Crisis interpretations in the age of disinformation

Budapest, 2023

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Krawatzek, Félix; DeSisto, Isabelle; Soroka, George

Russians in the South Caucasus

Political attitudes and the war in Ukraine
Berlin, 2023

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Dynamics and structure of Georgia's trade with the Russian Federation

Before and after the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine
Tbilisi, 2023

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