Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Eminel Sülün, Emine

Key water challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean

A call for regional cooperation

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Eminel Sülün, Emine

From crisis to cooperation

Addressing Mediterranean water governance through coordinated action

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Kaschowitz, Sabrina; Dienes, Alexandra; Katsioulis, Christos

Regional trends in European security

Recommendations for the OSCE
Wien, 2023

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Katsioulis, Christos

Leap of faith for the OSCE?

Ahead of the critical Ministerial Council in Skopje
Wien, 2023

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Elderfield, Julian

The state of Lebanon's security sector

Nicosia, 2023

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Mukalazi, Miriam Mona

Security Radar 2023: Spotlight on the gender knowledge gap in security policies

Wien, 2023

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Pendharkar, Anand; Palekar, Rahul; Padgaonkar, Amruta

Climate actioneers' primer

A beginner's toolkit
NewDelhi, 2023

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Kim, Hyun-woo

Climate and energy policies of Korea

Current state and challenges
Seoul, 2023

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McCallum, Judy; Cohen, Chelsea; Awate, Lucy

Breaking barriers

Empowering women in peace mediation for lasting peace in South Sudan
AddisAbaba, 2023

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Eminel Sulun, Emine

Exploring the political dynamics of the Euroasia, Euroafrica and Türkiye-North Cyprus interconnector projects

Implications for Cyprus

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