Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Climate change as a security threat in Nigeria and the Sahel

Abuja, 2022

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Drapak, Mykhailo

Adaptive partnership

Implementation of the agreements between the presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova of January 2021
Kyiv, 2022

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Gerasymchuk, Sergiy

Analysis of the bilateral Ukraine-Moldova relations

Problematic and promising dimensions of cooperation
Kyiv, 2022

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Proko, Erisa

Harnessing the power of women in the security agenda

Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Albania from the public opinion perspective
Tirana, 2022

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Greven, Thomas

Border carbon adjustments & climate clubs

A development perspective
Bonn, 2022

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Katsioulis, Christos; Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon

Mind the red line

Limits of European engagement in Russiaʿs war against Ukraine
Wien, 2022

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Ersoy, Sibel Raquel; Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia; Agouzoul, Hassan

Sustainable transformation of Marocco's energy system

Development of a phase model
Rabat, 2022

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Padawangi, Rita

Social-ecological transformation in cities in Asia

Cities as places for transformation ; Discussion paper
Hanoi, 2022

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Evergreen, Lilybell; Lorca Arce, Aida; Simić, Saška

Climate of change

Reshaping military emissions reporting
Wien, 2022

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Rudolf, Moritz

China's global health diplomacy

Revisiting Beijingʿs pre- and post-COVID-19 outreach efforts
Bonn, 2022

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