Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Alemayehu, Adane; Mayer, Niklas

Beyond crisis

Climate mobility dynamics in Central Sahel, East Africa and the Horn of Africa
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Pospisil, Jan

Perceiving peace in a fragment state

The case of South Sudan
Juba, 2024

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Meier, Oliver; Staack, Michael

German and Chinese cooperation in multilateral arms control

Objectives and formats of a potential dialogue
Bonn, 2024

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Blohm, Tina; Rotmann, Philipp; Weigand, Florian

"Never say never"

Learning lessons from Afghanistan reviews
Bonn, 2024

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Delgado, Caroline; Hegazi, Farah; Barnhoorn, Anniek

Environmental and climate justice, and the dynamics of violence in Latin America

Perspectives from a regional working group on climate change, the environment, peace and security in Latin America
Bogotá, 2024

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Women in peace mediation in Mali

A case study of women's participation in recent and ongoing peace processes
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Adaawen, Stephen

Climate change and human mobility in Africa

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Goïta, Mamadou

Climate change & human mobility in Africa: Global political implications

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Akintola, Lukmon

Rethinking local actors' engagement in global climate mobility agenda

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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The transformation of southern medium-sized cities toward climate change resilience

The cases of Ben Tre and Binh Duong provinces
Bangkok, 2024

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