Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Conflicting remembrance

The memory of the Macedonian 2001 in context
Skopje, 2023

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Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos

In the middle of Zeitenwende

Change and continuity of public attitudes in Germany
Wien, 2023

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Security Radar 2023

Zeitenwende for Europe: Public perceptions before and after Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Wien, 2023

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Charalambides, Nikos; Sayan, Pınar

Can climate crisis lead to bridge-building across the Aegean?

Athens, 2023

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Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo in which the Kosovo Serb Community is in Majority

Prishtina, 2023

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Istepanian, Harry H.; Raydan, Noam

A roadmap to prepare Iraq's power sector for energy transition

Amman, 2023

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Gachechiladze, Paata; Chopliani, Koba

Common values for rebuilding confidence between Georgians and Ossetians

Tbilisi, 2023

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Vu, Anh Ngoc; Pham, Quynh Phuong; Le, Binh Quang

The Red River planning of Hanoi in the context of urbanisation and modernisation

Analysis of media discourse
Bangkok, 2023

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Climate security in Kenya

Local mechanisms in addressing climate related security risks
Nairobi, 2023

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Mahanta, Rhea

Political participation is key

How to strengthen youth as peace actors
Bonn, 2023

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