Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Eminel Sulun, Emine

Repowering the Mediterranean

Reflections on grid infrastructure diplomacy

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Christidis, Yiorgos

The interplay between the green transition, geopolitics and energy security

The changing energy landscape in Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia
Athens, 2023

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Nakou, Georgia

Energy without Russia: Country report Greece

The consequences of the Ukraine war and the EU sanctions on the energy sector in Europe
Budapest, 2023

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Bales, Marius; Heinze, Marie-Christine; Mutschler, Max

Zooming in on the Yemen war

The future of warfare and human rights in the Middle East
Bonn, 2023

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Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Full report
Nicosia, 2023

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Geopolitical shifts and global crises: What implications for the Middel East?

Beirut, 2023

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Dynamics and structure of Georgia's trade with the Russian Federation

Before and after the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine
Tbilisi, 2023

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Conflict resolution in the Mediterranean: Energy as a potential game-changer

Nikosia, 2023

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Aw Ndiaye, Eugénie Rokhaya; Sidibe, Mame Lika

Security for all

Promoting democratic governance and inclusive security through CSO involvement in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and the wider ECOWAS region
Dakar-Fann, 2023

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Schneider, Marcus; Gürsel, Dilek; Starke, Clemens

Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Short analysis
Nicosia, 2023

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