Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Grabosch, Robert

Companies and human rights

A global comparison of legal due diligence obligations
Berlin, 2020

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Venjakob, Maike; Wagner, Oliver; Adisorn, Thomas

Transformation processes of energy companies

Application to Jordan : Study on behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Amman, 2020

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Effects of the Energiewende on work and employment
Bonn, 2020

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Baseline study of the state of play of security sector governance and the inclusion of civil society in security sector reform processes in Nigeria, Mali, Cameroon and Wider ECOWAS/ECCAS Region

Dakar-Fann, 2020

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Thinking ahead: Russia beyond 2024

Wien, 2020

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Dienes, Alexandra

Time to let down the drawbridge

Why engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union is in the EU's best interest
Wien, 2020

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Perspectives 20-30

Engaging youth for a safer future
Wien, 2020

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Elgendy, Karim; Kisswani, Hussein al

Leveraging urban resilience for sustainable cities in the Arab world

Amman, 2020

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Beyene, Abdeta

Wind of Change

Assessing positive developments in the Horn and their impact on regional peace and security
Berlin, 2020

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Nazer, Heba

Developing an energy benchmark for residential apartments in Amman

Amman, 2020

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