Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Sutanudjaja, Elisa

Revert or readjust? Jakarta

Designing mobility for liveable and social cities
Hanoi, 2022

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Matejčić, Barbara; Bosanac, Gordan

The faces of peaceful reintegration

Stories of ordinary people in extraordinary times
Zagreb, 2022

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The need for inclusive transport in Kenya

Nairobi, 2023

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Ersoy, Sibel Raquel; Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia

Sustainable transformation of Jordan's energy system

Development of a phase model
Amman, 2022

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Gender action plan for equitable mobility

Amman, 2022

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Sustainable transformation of Israel's energy system

Development of a phase model
HerzliyaPituach, 2022

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Sustainable transformation of Lebanon's energy system

Development of a phase model
Beirut, 2022

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El-Dorghamy, Ahmed; Attia, Maha

Low-Emission Zones (LEZs) and prerequisites for sustainable cities and clean air in Egypt

Cairo, 2022

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Ersoy, Sibel Raquel; Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia

Sustainable transformation of Egypt's energy system

Development of a phase model
Cairo, 2022

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Dare to change

Inspiring perspectives and key ideas for Helsinki 2025
Wien, 2022

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