Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Gladunov, Oleksandr; Bohdanets, Nataliia

The state of public opinion in the de-occupied territory of Ukraine

Analytical report on the results of a public opinion survey of Ukrainian citizens residing in the temporarily occupied territories
Kyiv, 2024

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Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

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Social-ecological transformation: Country comparison report - graphical presentation

Brussels, 2024

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Moderan, Ornella

Mainstraming of women's needs and participation in security sector reform processes in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger

Dakar-Fann, 2023

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Abu Oudeh, Adnan

The two-state solution and its dual significance for the Palestinian people and the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan

Amman, 2023

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Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

A double-edged sword

Peace support operations and conflict management in Northern Mozambique
Maputo, 2023

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Richter, Wolfgang

Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine

Vorbereitung - Kriegsverlauf - Ressourcen - Risiken - Folgerungen
Wien, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country comparative report

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report USA

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report United Kingdom

Brussels, 2023

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