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Braun, Michael; Argenta, Luca

Die Regierung Italiens unter Giorgia Meloni

Eine Zwischenbilanz
Bonn, 2024

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Braun, Michael; Argenta, Luca

Il governo Italiano di Giorgia Meloni

Un bilancio provvisorio
Bonn, 2024

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Youth Study Romania 2024

Opinions, fears, and aspirations of youth in a Romania of social inequalities
Bucarest, 2024

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Youth study România 2024

Opinii, temeri şi aspiraţii ale tinerilor într-o Românie a inegalităţilor sociale
Bucarest, 2024

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Eine neue Industriepolitik

Die Herausforderungen für Italien
Bonn, 2024

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Una nuova politica industriale economia e finanza

Le sfide per l'Italia
Roma, 2024

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A new industrial policy

Challenges for Italy
Bonn, 2024

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Livelihood transformation towards climate change adaptation in Ben Tre

A gender analysis
Hanoi, 2024

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Fuentes, Claudio; Valenzuela, Pedro

Percepciones sociales sobre (in)seguridad en Chile

SantiagodeChile, 2024

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Krebs, Tom

Industriepolitische Zeitenwende

Das Fundament eines neuen Wirtschaftsbooms
Bonn, 2024

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