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Sogodogo, Abdoul

Alliance des États du Sahel

Défis et perspectives
Bamako, 2024

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Bíró-Nagy, András; Molnár, Kristóf; Varga, Attila

Mérlegen az Európai Unió

A magyar társadalom Uniós attitüdjei 2024-ben
Budapest, 2024

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Zea Gallego, María Clara; Castellanos Montaña, Juliana; Hernández Vargas, Paula

Desintoxicando narrativas

Desafiando estereotipas sobre mujeres y drogas
Bogotá, 2024

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An unresolved issue: Genocide in colonial Namibia

Windhoek, 2024

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Nama Voices

Pains of the past, hopes for the future
Windhoek, 2024

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Meinardus, Ronald

Evolving perceptions

The gradual transformation of Germany's image in Greece
Athens, 2024

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Arnold, Ed

UK-German defence & security cooperation

The growing prospects
London, 2024

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Gudžinskas, Liutauras; Jonutis, Karolis

Who does (not) have a seat in the Lithuanian parliament?

Vienna, 2024

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Gudžinskas, Liutauras; Jonutis, Karolis

Kas (ne)turi vietos Lietuvos seime?

Vienna, 2024

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Danilevičius, Marius; Gudžinskas, Liutauras

Who does (not) vote in Lithuania?

Vienna, 2024

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