Publications Feminism

Korolczuk, Elżbieta; Kubisa, Julia; Szelewa, Dorota

Ruch feministyczny w Polsce a kwestia socjalna

Warschau, 2018

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Arivia, Gadis; Subono, Nur Iman

A hundred years of feminism in Indonesia

An analysis of actors, debates and strategies
Jakarta, 2017

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Feminism in Africa: Trends and Prospects

Report of the International Workshop on Political Feminism in Africa
Maputo, 2017

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Nazneen, Sohela

The women's movement in Bangladesh

a short history and current debates
Dhaka, 2017

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Esquivel, Valeria; Kaufmann, Andrea

Innovations in care

New concepts, new actors, new policies
Berlin, 2017

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Castel-Branco, Ruth

Além das transferências monetárias

protecção social, serviços sociais e a socialização do trabalho assistencial em Moçambique
Maputo, 2017

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Castel-Branco, Ruth

Beyond cash transfers

Social protection, social services and the socialisation of care work in Mozambique
Maputo, 2017

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Castel-Branco, Ruth

Au-delà des transferts monétaires

Protection sociale, services sociaux et socialisation du travail de prise en charge au Mozambique
Maputo, 2018

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Buranajaroenkij, Duanghathai

Political feminism and the women's movement in Thailand

actors, debates and strategies
Bangkok, 2017

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Buranajaroenkij, Duanghathai

[Political feminism and the women's movement in Thailand

actors, debates and strategies
Bangkok, 2017

Download publication (470 KB, PDF-File)

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