
Since its independence in 1966, Botswana has been able to make great economic and social strides under stable political conditions. But over the last 15 years, development has slowed down. Growing social inequality, high unemployment and stagnant poverty are increasing challenges. The political system created in 1966 is in need of an update. Although the institutional structures of a democracy such as rule of law, a multi-party system and regular elections are all in place and civil rights are enshrined in the Constitution and laws, these institutions have not been fully functioning d over the years. The economy is still one-sidedly focused on mining, while attempts at economic diversification have failed. Environmental problems in Botswana's sensitive ecological system are on the rise.

Botswana is at a crossroads and the next few years will decide whether the political realm and society are capable of vigorously tacking needed reforms to steer the country along a sustainable development path. The involvement of citizens in this reform process is of central importance. However, there is often still a lack of willingness among the population to actively participate in political processes beyond the elections.

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has been working in Botswana since 1973 and has sought to strengthen the Parliament vis-à-vis the executive branch, bolster civil society positions, encourage more active participation of young people in political processes and support trade unions in shaping the sociopolitical debate in various projects. Women’s participation in politics is a core focus of its work. At present, the focus of project work is on reinforcing citizens' participation rights and opportunities to take part in decision-making and opinion-formation processes. Direct target groups include decision-makers and officeholders as well as multipliers in the civil society area, in politics and trade unions.

Learn more about our work in Botswana on the project's website.


Deepening integration in SADC

South Africa - SADC's economic engine ; a study
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

Download publication (1,1 MB PDF-File)

Position paper on privatization in Botswana 2006

Gaborone, 2006, 2007

Download publication (210 KB, PDF-File)

Meinardus, Marc

Botswana: Demokratischer Wandel ohne Elitenwechsel

40 Jahre BDP-Regierung
Bonn, 2005

Download publication

Maundeni, Zibani

Mapping local democracy in Francistown, Gantsi and Lobatse

Gaborone, 2005, 2007

Download publication (420 KB, PDF-File)

40 years of democracy in Botswana

1965 - 2005
Gaborone, 2005, 2007

Download publication (1,3 MB PDF-File)

Africa Department

Contact in Germany

Tina Hennecken Andrade

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-75 23


Contact in Botswana

Botswana Office

Thilo Schöne
P.O. Box 18
RB Gaborone

+267-39-524 41

+267-39-308 21


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