
Teuteberg, Salomé

The future of retail in Africa

Johannesburg, 2020

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Klatt, Christian

Nach dem Coup d'État

Hoffnungen und Herausforderungen in Mali
Berlin, 2020

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MISA transparency assessment 2020

The citizens' analysis of government openness in Southern Africa
Windhoek, 2020

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Feijó, João

Assimetrias sociais

Pistas para entender o alastramento do jihadismo islâmico em Cabo Delgado
Dakar-Fann, 2020

Download publication (580 KB, PDF-File)

Feijó, João

Social asymmetries

Clues to understand the spread of islamist jihadism in Cabo Delgado
Dakar-Fann, 2020

Download publication (550 KB PDF-File)

Dossou, Robert

L'audace, la vérité et l'espérance

La Conférence Nationale, ce que jʿen ai dit en trente ans
Cotonou, 2020

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Côte d'Ivoire - manuel pour des élections apaisées

Abidjan, 2020

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Adamon, Afize D.

Le parlement béninois en mouvement

Vie et oeuvre de la septieme législature (2015-2019)
Cotonou, 2020

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Schwettmann, Jürgen

Covid-19 and the informal economy

Impact and response strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Berlin, 2020

Download publication (320 KB, PDF-File)

Maihack, Henrik; Öhm, Manfred

Time for a Post-Coronavirus social contract!

Berlin, 2020

Download publication (135 KB, PDF-File)

Africa Department


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 41


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