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Ready for Climate Negotiations

With events and workshops, FES Vietnam and FES Jordan prepared trade unions, activists and young leaders for COP 23.

Image: [Translate to English:] The Vietnam Youth and Sustainable Development Summit (VYS) 2017 of FES

Image: Regional Conference “The Pathway to a Socially Just Energy Transition in Asia” of FES

Image: [Translate to English:] Fostering the discussion about the implementation of Paris Agreement in Vietnam of FES

Image: [Translate to English:] Preparing Trade Unions of the MENA region for COP 23 in Bonn (14./15.09.2017) of FES

Image: [Translate to English:] Making Jordanian Youth fit for International Climate Negotiations (March - September 2017) of FES

From 6th to 17th November, the member states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will meet for the next round of negotiations in Bonn (COP 23). The Republic of Fiji holds the presidency with support of the German government hosting the conference. FES will be there as well. We are organizing different events on climate and energy policy, especially on just transition, and will of course update you on what is happening during the negotiation process.

In order to get ready for COP 23, our climate & energy colleagues at FES Vietnam and FES Jordan hosted events on sustainable development, a socially just energy transition in Asia, the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the role of trade unions in international climate policy, and climate change policies in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Clearly, FES is ready for COP 23!  

The Vietnam Youth and Sustainable Development Summit 2017

In collaboration with the Centre of Live and Learn for Environment and Community, FES Vietnam organized the Vietnam Youth and Sustainable Development Summit 2017. 50 students and youth leaders from different backgrounds and regions of Vietnam participated. During a aimulation of the climate change conference, participants acted as negotiators and projected the discussion that is to happen in Bonn.  

Regional conference “The Pathway to a Socially Just Energy Transition in Asia”

FES Vietnam held the regional conference “The Pathway to a Socially Just Energy Transition in Asia” on September 20th in Hanoi to discuss questions such as: Where do Asian countries stand with regard to their energy system and governance? What are crucial milestones on the road towards a cleaner energy system established in a socially just manner? Furthermore, the conference served to launch a series of country studies and a meta-study on socially just energy transitions in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, the Republic of South-Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam.  

Fostering the discussion about the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Vietnam

According to Vietnam’s Plan for Implementation of the Paris Agreement, the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) needs to be completed by 2019. On 25th July, FES Vietnam in collaboration with Climate Change Working Group organized the international conference "Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plan for Vietnam based on Local Adaptation Practices and International Experiences". The conferences aimed at receiving government information on current NAP processes, as well as at learning from international speakers’ insights into how NAPs may be developed and implemented at the regional and international level. Furthermore, the event served to promote cooperation between CSOs and the government with regard to responses to climate change. 

Preparing Middle Eastern and North African trade unions for COP 23

The regional Climate and Energy Project of FES’ Amman offices aims at making trade unions fit for climate action. To prepare Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) unions for COP 23, FES organized the conference “The Need for a Socio-Ecological Transformation of the MENA Region and Africa: Just Transition and Decent Jobs - an Imperative for the Future of Work” in cooperation with the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in Tunis in September. Over 50 trade unionists from six MENA countries took part and exchanged ideas with comrades from six African countries.  

Making Jordanian youth fit for international climate negotiations

Under the patronage of the Jordanian Minister of Environment, the regional climate and energy project of FES’ Amman office set up the “National climate youth engagement project”. Over the course of six months, 25 young Jordanian climate activists as well as representatives from ministries and academia attended a series of ten workshops preparing them for future climate negotiations. The participants gained insights into international climate negotiations and strengthened their debating and public speaking skills. They are now well prepared for future positions of responsibility in the field of national climate policies in Jordan. The highlight and latest achievement of the project was the final debate tournament “From Amman to Bonn”, which HRH Princess Basma bint Ali and the Minister of Environment attended.  

Discussing climate change policies in the framework of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals

The conference “Attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030: The pathway from policy to practice” raised policy makers’ awareness of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals as an important framework of climate change policies in Jordan. The policy paper presentation highlighted the importance of the upcoming climate negotiations in Bonn. HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal underlined in his speech that the SDG implementation process is interlinked with climate protection. 


More reports on the climate conference:  www.fes.de/lnk/cop23


Manuel Gath
030 269 35-7468
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