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Having the courage to be radical: How structural change can enable integration and participation.
Um der Arbeitslosigkeit unter syrischen Geflüchteten in Deutschland entgegenzuwirken, hat Fadi Alshalabi eine E-Learning-Plattform ins Leben gerufen.
To counter unemployment among Syrian refugees in Germany, Fadi Alshalabi launched Niuversity, a model e-learning platform.
Tax evasion has reached absurd levels all over the world. But it is possible to make taxation and tax avoidance more transparent.
Why right-wing populists are in denial and why now is the time for Germany to position itself as an immigration country
What do flight and migration have to do with natural disasters and climate change? Here are three common misunderstandings and a novel approach.
A stricter regulation of arms exports to crisis regions reduces causes of displacement and also makes German diplomacy more credible.
For a world economic order that focusses on humankind and the environment and that is not just interested in profits.
Für eine Weltwirtschaftsordnung, die sich nicht einseitig an Profitinteressen orientiert.
How the so-called fight against causes of displacement undermines the principles of development cooperation.
The future of migration and asylum in Europe more