Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting

The Division for Analysis, Planning and Consulting at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sees itself as a sort of radar system mapping out the future and as an ‘ideas factory' for Social Democracy. It combines analysis and discussion in its work. It brings together expertise from the fields of academia, civil society, economics, administration and politics. Its aim and purpose is to advise political and trade union decision-makers to help them meet current and future challenges, and to introduce progressive ideas into the social policy debate.

Annual Events and Projects

Hans Matthöfer Prize for Economic Publishing


Day of Progressive Economic Policy


Digital Capitalism  #DigiCap


Head of Division

Dr. Andrä Gärber

Irin Nickel
+49 30 26935-8318

Head of the Analysis and Planning Department

Catrina Schläger

Team & Contact

Head of of the Political Consulting Department

Julia Bläsius

Team & Contact


Schläger, Catrina; Katsioulis, Christos; Engels, Jan Niklas

Analysis of the 2024 European Elections in Germany

Majority for the stable centre despite a strong right wing
Berlin, 2024

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

Piétron, Dominik; Hofmann, Florian; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie

The digital circular economy

Circular data governance for resource use ̀from cradle to cradleʿ
Berlin, 2023

Download publication (1,5 MB PDF-File)

Hansen, Katja; Mulhall, Douglas

Digitally accelerating the circular economy

Standardizing data cost-effectively for small & medium-sized businesses globally
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (260 KB, PDF-File)

Kilpeläinen, Sarah; Quitzow, Rainer; Tsoumpa, Marina

Hydrogen in the Nordics

Drivers of European cooperation?
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (230 KB, PDF-File)

Hiilesniemi, Samuli

The regulation of the measurement of working time in Finland

Ein Thesenpapier
Bonn, 2023

Download publication (230 KB, PDF-File)

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