Building People-Centered Cities

How to create more livable cities

Paris, Copenhagen and Munich are three cities that are actively promoting social-ecological transformation. What concrete objectives are municipalities pursuing to transform these cities, and how can their implementation succeed? We will discuss possible ways for overcoming political obstacles, and how to ensure effective public participation.

Lead:  Marei John-Ohnesorg (FES) & Mareike Le Pelley (FES)
Facilitation: Dagmar Köhler, Teamleiterin Nahmobilität, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik
Speakers: Dr. Éloi Laurent, Paris; Marie Kastrop tbc, Copenhagen; Prof. Dr. (Univ. Florenz) Elisabeth Merk, town counsellor for construction affairs Munich

Language: English and translation into German

BOOKED OUT - This lab will also be livestreamed on the main page.

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