News from our work on Global Economy

Civil society groups reclaim policies for the public

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Global report assesses how privatization and corporate capture have become obstacles to progress under the 2030 Agenda

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We need to talk: Debt20 meets G20

Friday, 07.07.17 15:00 bis 21:30 GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, Düsternstr. 10, Hamburg Trade - | Veranstaltung | News

During the Summit, representatives from indebted countries meet with the G20 to discuss strategies on how to deal with debt crises.

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Report by Joseph Stiglitz & Mark Pieth: »Overcoming the Shadow Economy«

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The FES exclusively published Joseph E. Stiglitz' and Mark Pieth's recommendations, garnering numerous media reports.

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Teilnehmer_innen beim Eröffnungsmarsch des Weltsozialforums 2016 protestieren gegen den Ausschluss von Aktivist_innen aus dem Globalen Süden. Foto: Alexander Geiger/FES

First World- instead of World Social Forum?

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From August 9 to 14, the World Social Forum took place in Montréal. The restrictive Canadian visa requirements prevented many globalization critics...

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Cover des Berichts "Spotlight on Sustainable Development"

Implementing the 2030 Agenda: Civil Society finding its Voice

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With the 2013 Agenda, the international community of states made great promises. But is it following these promises with deeds? The “Reflection Group...

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2030 Agenda: Recommended Actions for the G20

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Our Think Tank Conference compiled a closing document that is now available for download.

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