Changing reintegration in a meaningful way

Reintegration assistance for migrants going home is important for the EU. And yet, it is ineffective — involving returnee initiatives can reverse that.

Die im Artikel zum Ausdruck gebrachten Meinungen und Äußerungen der Gastautor_innen spiegeln nicht notwendigerweise die Haltung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung wider.

Week of Justice

Dr. Cäcilie Schildberg

Contact and Registration
Sergio Rakotozafy

For registration, please specify in your email which events you would like to attend.

If you have any questions regarding barriers at individual events, please get in touch with us.


Tobias Beylat
+32 470473560

Women adapting to climate change in Nepal | DOCUMENTARY

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Fragile dreams: Stories of migrant workers from the Philippines

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The Search for a Sense of Togetherness

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