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It is high time to act and re-imagine our digital future in Asia.
Image: [Translate to English:] of Pattrayut licensed under istockphoto [Translate to English:]
Eine feministische Betrachtung der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 in der Region des Mittleren Ostens und Nordafrika.
This paper investigates how women in Asia are affected by digitalization and automation and explores feminist perspectives on the digital economy.
Yvonne Blos (international)Yvonne.Blos(at)
Max Ostermayer (national)Max.Ostermayer(at)
Claudia Detsch (Europe / North America)Claudia-Detsch(at)
all FES-Experts on Climate Change, Energy and Environment
What is the way forward for the Paris Agreement? Assessments, analysis and contributions from the annual World Climate Conference more
Six Messages on International Climate & Energy Policy by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung more
In our new manual, we present numerous arguments showing that social progress and ambitious climate action must go hand in hand. Enjoy reading! more