Curbing Organised Crime

What kinds of prevention are possible, what kinds of deterrence are necessary?

Germany’s National Security Strategy, presented in June 2023, is intended to be an integrated security policy. Adopting such a broad conception of security makes it clear that ‘serious and organised crime’ represent a grave threat to security and the rule of law because they are ‘increasingly [trying to] subvert our state and economic structures’.

To conclude the conference, on 14 May the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will stage a public panel discussion on national and international approaches to curbing the threat of organised crime. After delivering the keynote speech Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, will discuss these issues with international experts.

The overarching question for the event is: what kinds of prevention are possible and what kinds of deterrence are necessary in order to curb organised crime effectively?


Marius Müller-Hennig

Jan Christoph Ansorge


More specifically, we would like to discuss the following:

The current situation as regards organised crime: what are the current threats from organised crime in Germany, Europe and worldwide? What are the experiences of neighbouring and partner countries? What has been the impact of current wars, conflicts and crises?

International and transnational cooperation: what is the state of international cooperation regarding the prevention and prosecution of organised crime?

Research as the basis for evidence-based policymaking: what is the current state of research on organised crime? What are the main findings, what kinds of blind spot are there?

Non-state actors: what kinds of role can civil society, business and the media play in curbing the threat of organised crime?

Actions needed and prioritisation: what kinds of action stand out as urgent for the various state and non-state actors and what should take priority?

Public Panel Debate: 14. May 2024 10:00-12:00, FES Berlin


Click to enlarge photos


Registration, please have your id or passport ready


Martin Schulz, President of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Keynote Speech

Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community

Public Panel Discussion Curbing Organised Crime

Jürgen Ebner, Deputy Executive Director of Europol

Nancy Faeser, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community

Mark Shaw, Director of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime

Moderation: Nana Brink, Deutschlandradio

End of Panel Debate and lunch reception


Please register via the registration-link for on-site participation until May 6th

If you have any questions concerning a barrier-free participation in the event, please contact us: Recht-und-Sicherheit(at)

Simultaneous-Interpretation German-English will be available

Location and Date

Hiroshimastraße 28
10785 Berlin

Tuesday, 14.05.24
10:00-12:00 hrs


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