Thomas Hirsch

Ambition, Participation and Effectiveness

New study lays out how NDC-partnership may promote ambition, participation and effectiveness during the implementation process of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Image: Coverbild Kurzstudie Ambition, Teilhabe und Wirkung of Brot für die Welt / FES

Now that the Paris Agreement has established goals and a framework for the long-term global response to climate change, the time has come for its fast, ambitious and effective implementation. The main policy planning tools for implementation of the Paris Agreement are the short-term Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the period 2020-2025 and the mid-century long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (also known as the Long- Term Strategies (LTS) or the 2050 Pathways Platform). Initiatives such as the NDC Partnership can support the delivery of short- and long-term climate goals by strengthening transformative forces and helping to overcome challenges. Launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in late 2016, the NDC Partnership’s objective is to assist developing countries to deliver on their NDCs and related SDG commitments.

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