China and the global financial architecture

China is a critical component of the global financial architecture as both a member of the international institutions and as an institution-builder. Our latest report addresses the question of where to find areas of common interest in which to work with China, encouraging it to be a productive and engaged partner in the global order.

Contact Person

Stefan Pantekoek
Stefan Pantekoek
030 26935-7734

Feminism International

Click here for the international gender policy work of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. more

A Global Digital Compact for Gender Equality

A Global Digital Compact for Gender Equality

Feminist demands from the Global South concerning the UN Global Digital Compact. more

The Deal We Always Wanted

A Feminist Action Framework for the Digital Economy

Considering the entire economic picture?

Considering the entire economic picture?

Prospects for gender equality in the global economy and the world of work in the post-coronavirus era more

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