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Europe-Africa: Together towards justainability

What's the offer?

The years 2020 and 2021 will in many ways set the course for medium- and long-term cooperation between the European Union and Africa. Given the global and interwoven nature of the challenges the both continents face, as Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, we advocate treating each other as global partners. Only through close and fair European-African relations, it is possible to achieve a more just and sustainable world, to move together towards justainability.

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Africa Department

Contact person

Lennart Oestergaard

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30 269 35-75 29

+49 30 269 35-92 17


FES EU-Office Brussels

Contact person

Daniela Iller

Rue du Taciturne 38
BE-1000 Brussels

+32 22 34 62 90
+32 22 34 62 81


Latest News

FES Grafik "New Release"

What’s the offer? EU Democracy support in Africa - 10 Proposals for a New Strategic Initiative in Times of Polarisation

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A new study by FES and DIE analyses the role of democracy in times of renewing the EU-Africa relations.

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Gilbert Knies Webinar

Europe-Africa: Targeted Policy Advice in the run-up to the EU-AU Summit

Video | Online-Diskussion

Online discussion in English on the future EU-Africa relations with perspectives from Africa and Europe

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FES Grafik "New Release"

Zooming in on the EU-African Economic Relationship - #WhatsTheOffer in 2020?

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Prof. Robert Kappel critically analyses the current EU-African economic relationship and the new EU-Africa-strategy.

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Sidonie Wetzig Webinar

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Recent events

  • Europe-Africa: Targeted Policy Advice in the run-up to the EU-AU Summit

    Gilbert Knies Webinar

    Online discussion in English on the future EU-Africa relations with perspectives from Africa and Europe

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  • EU's New Finance Instruments: The European Peace Facility

    Sidonie Wetzig Webinar

    Online discussion in English on peace and security with perspectives from Africa and Europe

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  • EU’s New Finance Instruments: NDICI and democracy promotion in Sub-Saharan-Africa

    Marco Schwarz Webinar

    Online discussion in English democracy promotion in Sub-Saharan-Africa with perspectives from Africa and Europe

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  • What's the offer? Expectations on the EU-Africa Year

    Daniela Iller Webinar 1 Videostandbild

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What's the offer?

The years 2020 an 2021 will in many ways set the course for medium- and long-term cooperation between the European Union and Africa. Given the global and interwoven nature of the challenges the both continents face, as Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, we advocate treating each other as global partners. Only through close and fair European-African relations, it is possible to achieve a more just and sustainable world, to move together towards justainability.

In the past, there has long been a focus on migration and security. The view of Africa as a whole is often one of a continent in deficit; opportunities of collaboration are not grasped, qualities overseen. The question is: What does the EU offer in 2020 as equal cooperation with African states that goes beyond mere security interests and prospects for investment? An invitation for a genuine political partnership between the neighboring continents? #WhatsTheOffer

We invite our African partners to join us in bringing in our expertise in a targeted manner throughout the year. The question "what’s the offer?" is in fact of crucial importance for both sides. The project of justainability relies on a common approach of committed partners who acknowledge their responsibility and act accordingly. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will monitor and accompany the period closely - also with a view to involving civil society voices on both continents. We have in particular considered the following procedures:

First, this March, the Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, presented the first version of a new EU-Africa Strategy. Although it is not yet clear what role it may play within or outside the Africa-EU Partnership framework, it is a project being promoted at the highest level in the EU and will hence aim at providing some guidance for future foreign policy towards Africa. The strategy is expected to be adopted by the European Council in the run-up to the EU-AU Summit now scheduled for 2021.

Second, there is a strong need for a new EU-Sahel Strategy. It is currently still open whether this is a development policy priority or a security policy priority. The region is politically very unstable, there are ongoing violent conflicts and it urgently needs coherent and effective approaches for stabilization.

Third, Germany has announced that Africa will be a priority of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which began on July 1st. Further discussions on the new EU-Africa-Strategy will be necessary during the presidency. It is therefore all the more important to understand the processes and their correlations.

Fourth, the EU-AU Summit which will be held in Brussels and has now been rescheduled for early 2021.

Fifthly, new major European policy instruments are being established, including NDICI (Neighborhood, Development and international Cooperation Instrument) and EPF (European Peace Facility). The programming of these instruments and the way Africa will be included will have strong impacts on the future European-African cooperation.

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is accompanying these processes not only through several events in Brussels and Berlin, but also digitally on this website. For us it is clear that we can only create a justainable future together with our neighboring continent. Therefore, this website will serve as a platform to regularly present our own perspectives and expectations and we invite our African partners to join us. And as mentioned at the beginning, we will closely monitor which forms and contents of cooperation beyond migration and security will be brought to the negotiating table. #WhatsTheOffer

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