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Tuesday, 01.12.20 14:00

The European Green Deal | A New Beginning in the EU-Africa Relations?

Terminexport im ICS-Format

Online Roundtable on The European Green Deal and its implications on job creation in Africa.

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's (FES) Africa Department and EU Office cordially invite you to its online seminar "The European Green Deal - A New Beginning in the EU-Africa Relations?" This event is part of our series "What’s the offer? A new partnership between Europe and Africa" which FES has started in spring.

In 2020, the nature of the cooperation between the European Union and Africa is being negotiated and might profoundly change: a new EU-Sahel Strategy, a new EU-Africa Strategy, the EU-AU summit, the development of new finance instruments, the post-Cotonou agreement – all against the background of a shaky multilateralism and the challenges posed by the corona crisis. An opportunity to raise the partnership to “a new level”? An opportunity to address not only issues such as security, migration, hunger and poverty but also sustainability, the empowerment of women and youth and fair trade? The postponement of the AU-EU Summit to next year, has opened up the opportunity to intensify the African-European dialogue in the run-up to the summit.

With the European Green Deal the EU sees itself at forefront to fight climate change and environmental degradation. With the aim to transform the Union into low-carbon, climate-resilient market, the deal serves both as an environmental and growth strategy.

As the continent most vulnerable to climate change, Africa shares Europe’s interest of ambitious climate policies across the world. At the same time, economic growth and jobs are also high on the agenda of most African countries. Therefore, Africa’s pathway towards low-carbon economies might be very different facing the difficult choice between ambitious climate goals and job creation.

This roundtable will mainly focus on the question how a green transition is also an opportunity for job creation. With our guests we would like to explore how the EU Green Deal could provide a framework for Africa-EU cooperation to jointly address climate change, green transition and the creation of decent jobs.  



  • Charles M. Akol, Environmental Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
  • Alfonso Medinilla, Policy Officer,ECDPM
  • N.N., DG DEVCO, European Commission(tbc)


  • Constantin Grund, FES Madagascar
  • Daniela Iller, FES EU Office

Please register here by 30 November 2020. Log-in details will be sent shortly before the event. English-French interpretation will be provided.

Overview of FES online seminars and available recordings

12 May  #1 | Kick-Off ­­| What’s the offer? Expectations on the EU-Africa Year (You can watch the recording here)

19 May  #2 | New Finance Instruments | NDICI and Democracy Promotion (You can watch the recording here)

26 May  #3 | New Finance Instruments | The EU External Investment Plan

2 June   #4 | New Finance Instruments | The European Peace Facility (You can watch the recording here)

9 June    #5 | Wrap up and way ahead | Targeted Policy Advice (You can watch the recording here)


  • Your confirmation will arrive via E-mail on the day before the online debate the latest and include a link to enter the meeting room.
  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung uses the software of the US company Zoom for its online roundtables. Zoom’s technical infrastructure is stored on US servers.
  • FES does not store any data from online roundtable participants in the zoom system. Following the principle of data economy, it is also possible to join the online roundtable with an altered username (e. g. Jane Public). There is no obligation to use the audio, chat webcam function during the webinar session (https://zoom.us/de-de/privacy.html).
  • Zoom works well with PC, smartphone or tablet. You can find the app "Zoom Cloud Meeting" in the respective App Store. Otherwise, when opening your personalized entrance-URL, a free client program for PC, Mac or Linux is being installed. Please just follow the instructions.


Anne Felmet
Anne Felmet
030 269 35 74 36

Africa Department

Head of Department

Dr Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

030-269 35-74 41

030-269 35-92 17


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