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Spotlight: EU Asylum Reform

The future of migration and asylum in Europe

A reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) is to be achieved before the end of this European parliamentary term. In view of the renewed increase in the number of people wishing to immigrate to Europe, the debate revolves around isolation and defense. This does not do justice to the manifold aspects of human mobility and bears the risk of taking short-sighted political decisions.

Accompanying the CEAS process, this series of articles opens up German, European and international perspectives on a complex issue.


Annette Schlicht
+49 30 26935-7486

Europaflagge hinter Stacheldraht

Headlines like “the EU agrees on asylum reform” are premature

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

MEP Birgit Sippel on why a compromise on the new EU asylum reform is still pending and Parliament will face difficult negotiations with the Council

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Migration gestalten – gerecht und global!

Zehn Botschaften für einen Perspektivwechsel auf Migration und Mobilität. more

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