Displacement, Migration, Integration

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Article series

Spotlight: Migration - a progressive formula



Migration Policy

Human mobility in a globalized world: Migration is not a problem we have to solve; rather, it is a challenge we want to accept. more

Integration Policy

The current refugee situation cries out for a political solution. Now is the time to devise policy approaches that encourage integration and fair chances for everyone to participate. more

Refugee Policy

From a global perspective, the phenomenon of flight is nothing new; rather, it has been a tragic constant, especially during the past few decades. more

Causes of displacement

The causes for flight and displacement are manifold. Understanding their causes is, in turn, the prerequisite for reducing the number of their reasons. more

Related Content

International Conference

Migration – a progressive formula

24 & 25 September 2024 | Berlin more

Article series

Spotlight: EU Asylum Reform

The future of migration and asylum in Europe more

Publication and Film

Shaping Migration – Justly and Globally!

Ten messages for a change of perspective on migration and mobility. more


Friday, 6 September 2024 – Hotel am Stadtpark, Hilden

Vom Ende des Migrationshintergrunds

Die Dynamik von Identitäten unterliegt in einer Gesellschaft dem kontinuierlichen Wandel. Seit der Gastarbeiteranwerbung ab Mitte der 50er Jahre ist Deutschland faktisch zum Einwanderungsland…

Friday, 6 September 2024 – Volkshochschule, Alsfeld

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Der Umgang Deutschlands mit Migrant:innen und der Umgang der Migrant:innen mit Deutschland sind konstante Themen in der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Debatte. Was soll Integration eigentlich…

Thursday, 12 September 2024 – Landungsbrücken, Hamburg

Galão und Salpeter - Auf den Spuren von Hamburgs (post)kolonialem Erbe

Wie ist die Kaffeespezialität Galão nach Hamburg gekommen? Warum sind die Dächer des Michels grün? Und wer war eigentlich der Salpeterbaron? Auf diesem Rundgang betrachten wir Hamburger Wahrzeichen…


Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya
LaMarsa, 2024

Download publication (750 KB, PDF-File)

Girault, Thibaut

Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya
LaMarsa, 2024

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De Leo, Andreina; Milazzo, Eleonora

Responsibility-sharing or shifting?

Implications of the New Pact for future EU cooperation with third countries
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (1,8 MB PDF-File)

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