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Tiergarten Talk - The USA has voted. Implications for the Global South

Veranstaltungsnummer: 276987als .ics herunterladen

The USA has voted and Europe must prepare for significant changes in US policy and answer a crucial question: How will the election result affect the world's problems?

We want to look beyond transatlantic relations and discuss what the election result means in Africa, Asia and Latin America. How will it affect the problems of their own regions? And do their expectations towards their European partners change under these circumstances?

We cordially invite you to join us as we first discuss the results of the US elections and their significance for German and European foreign policy with Lars Klingbeil, Chairman of the SPD, and Katrin Bennhold, journalist for The New York Times and then turn the focus to how developments are viewed in other regions of the world.

Our distinguished guests from partner countries outside Europe, we will discuss the impact of the US elections on their regions. The following guests will be joining us:


-Nicole Cardoch Ramos, State Secretary for Communication and Social Participation, Government of Chile

-Arif Havas Oegroseno,Deputy Foreign Minister of Indonesia

-Olumide Abimbola,Director of the African Policy Research Institute


The journalist Nana Brink will be your host for the evening.

German-English interpretation will be provided.

Please contact Susanne Böhme should you have any questions regarding the barrier-free accessibility of the event.


Please find more information about the conference on our website:

Tiergarten Conference 2024



Thursday, 14 November 2024
18:00 to 19:45

Registration open
to Thursday, 14 November 2024

Attendance fee


Hiroshimastraße 17, Konferenzsaal 1



Böhme, Susanne

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