Factory Fire in Pakistan: Victims sue KIK

During a reading tour and in a video, survivors and survivors' dependents talk about their struggle.

260 casualties, 32 wounded: The result of the Ali Enterprises factory fire (Karachi, Pakistan) on September 11, 2012. The factory's main customer was the German textile dealer KiK. The workers suffocated or burned to death because they could not leave the building. The survivors and survivors' dependents have been waiting for compensation from KiK for almost 4 years. In the meantime, they have founded a self-organization and have sued the company in Germany.

The victims talked about their struggle – the legal procedure in Pakistan, the complaint against KiK and their political activism – during a lecture tour in Germany.

Media Coverage:

Mehr Verantwortung (SZ from 21.6.2016)
Vier gegen KiK (SZ from 17.6.2016)
Wer zahlt den Preis der Katastrophen in den Textilfabriken Südasiens? (Guest contribution by Dr. Miriam Saage-Maß, ECCHR, in the ZEIT blog "Recht Subversiv" from 16.6.2016)

In-depth background information on the legal action, the claimants and our partner ECCHR's advocacy can be found on their homepage www.ecchr.eu.

- The lecture tour was organized jointly by medico international, ECCHR und FES -

This video provides background information on the legal action against KiK:

Konstantin Bärwaldt

+49 30 269 35-7501


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