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Displacement, Migration, Integration

  • Berlin, sign in the entrance area of the Welcome Centre - advice centre of the Berlin Senate Commissioner for Integration and Migration.

    Intercultural opening in public administration: A look at Berlin

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

    Any successful strategy in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers must include employees with a migration background, says Katarina Niewiedzial, Berlin Senate Commissioner for participation, integration and...

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  • A barrier installed at the beginning of a bridge crossing the Niger River, as seen from Benin.

    At the expense of the population

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

    The harsh consequences of the border closure between Benin and Niger. Guest article by Abou-Bakari Imorou on the occasion of the International Migrants Day

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  • A woman speaks at the Future Forum Municipality at the conference Migration - a progressiv formula.

    How Germany’s "debt brake" is hindering integration at local level

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy

    Decent integration projects are struggling due to a lack of funds. The government wants to cut back on language courses – and it is migrants who are paying the price. Why a reform of the debt brake could open up new...

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  • An abandoned refugee boat is adrift at sea. It was previously cleared by the Libyan coast guard.

    Libya’s Coast Guard: Europe’s Deadly Gatekeepers in the Mediterranean

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy | Migration policy

    Torture camps, hunger and the legitimation of authoritarian regimes. The EU has poured millions into Libya but what has this money actually achieved?

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Article series

Spotlight: Migration - a progressive formula



Migration Policy

Human mobility in a globalized world: Migration is not a problem we have to solve; rather, it is a challenge we want to accept. more

Integration Policy

The current refugee situation cries out for a political solution. Now is the time to devise policy approaches that encourage integration and fair chances for everyone to participate. more

Refugee Policy

From a global perspective, the phenomenon of flight is nothing new; rather, it has been a tragic constant, especially during the past few decades. more

Causes of displacement

The causes for flight and displacement are manifold. Understanding their causes is, in turn, the prerequisite for reducing the number of their reasons. more

Related Content

International Conference

Migration – a progressive formula

24 & 25 September 2024 | Berlin more

Article series

Spotlight: EU Asylum Reform

The future of migration and asylum in Europe more

Publication and Film

Shaping Migration – Justly and Globally!

Ten messages for a change of perspective on migration and mobility. more


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