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Global Reflection Group "Monopoly on the Use of Force 2.0?"

Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty

FES Reflection Group launches final report on monopoly on the use of force in the 21st Century.

Report Cover: Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty

Image: Publication Cover of FES

In 2014, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) set up the Global Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?” as an initiative to raise awareness of what the current international security order is – theoretically – based on: national monopolies on the use of force.

The group analysed the current state of these monopolies and discussed progressive policy options that safeguard both human security and a just international order.

The group's final report "Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty" suggests a "two-pronged approach": strengthen the state monopoly on the legitimate use of force or, where appropriate, initiate a process to meld the growing number of fragmented security providers into a regulated and coordinated security architecture that protects citizens in an inclusive and accountable way.

More information on and papers by the Reflection Group:http://www.fes.de/de/reflection-group-monopoly-on-the-use-of-force-20

Providing security in times of uncertainty

Opting for a mosaic security system
Berlin, 2017

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