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Der #FESAfricaCoronaBrief, ein Blog mit dem Titel: „Zerreißprobe: Wie COVID-19 auf afrikanische Gesellschaften trifft“, untersucht wie afrikanische Länder, Regierungen und Gemeinschaften mit der Pandemie umgehen. Mit Beiträgen von unseren 25 FES-Büros in Subsahara-Afrika, von Partner-Organisationen und uns verbundenen Expert_innen soll dieser Blog afrikanischen und internationalen Stimmen eine Plattform bieten, um hier die Gefahren für die Gesellschaften, aber auch mögliche Wege zu afrikanischen Lösungen aufzuzeigen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Meinungen sind nicht notwendigerweise die der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Fatou Sow Sarr analyses the economic effects of measures to combat the pandemic on women and calls for women to be put at the centre of economic and social reconstruction.
The Mozambican sociologist Elísio Macamo asks if Africa’s hurried adoption of Western lockdown models might not have destroyed its social infrastructure.
Hans-Joachim Preuss from FES Benin calls for greater cooperation between African states in order to use their own knowledge and resources to combat pandemics in future.
François Bambou calls on African leaders to draw economic lessons from the current crisis.
Kouam Latrille outlines the risks associated with self-medication in the African context.
Constant Cap argues for re-thinking urban planning to reinstall social justice within African cities.
How the drama about the testing of truck drivers at the borders is revealing the challenges for governments and the fault lines between countries in East Africa
Researcher Salimah Valiani in Johannesburg imagines an economy thriving on life instead of one faltering on illness and death.
Cheikh Ahmed Bamba Diagne from Senegal explains why debt relief for African countries is now more than ever necessary.
Mozambican Scholar Boaventura Monjane on how to prevent a COVID-19 induced ‘Hunger Pandemic’ in Southern Africa.
Many civil society organisations in Sudan demand a stronger mandate for the future UN-Mission than the military and civilian government.
FES-Programme Manager Richard Worthington asks if the “invisible enemy” can generate support for a new social compact.
Ugandan Researcher and Analyst Frederick Golooba-Mutebi compares the response to COVID-19 in three East African Countries.
Attorney and FES-Fellow Louis Gitinywa describes the pandemic as a test case for the Rwandan development model.
The Ivorian Academic Arthur Banga sees the issue of debt relief as the real test for China’s commitment to the continent.
The Nigerian activist Charmaine Pereira outlines feminist perspectives and responses to the pandemic.
Elieth Eyebiyi from Benin describes the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on migrants and their home countries.
The Nigerian activist Hamzat Lawal presents a new approach towards more transparency in the utilization of Covid-19 funds.
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