100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Publikationen


The celluloid ceiling

A gender-based analysis of the Israeli film industry
Herzliya;FES,2021, 2021

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Rahmadhani, Peny; Vaz, Fiona; Affiat, Rizki Amalia

COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia

Economic impacts and policy responses
Kathmandu, 2021

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Gashi, Ardiana; Gashi, Petrit

Inkluzivnost na nivou odgovora Vlade na krizu COVID-19

Ko je ostao isključen?
Prishtina, 2021

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Gashi, Ardiana; Gashi, Petrit

Inclusiveness of the government response to the COVID-19 crisis

Who was left behind?
Prishtina, 2021

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Feijó, João

The role of women in the conflic in Cabo Delgado

Understanding vicious cycles of violence
Dakar-Fann, 2021

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Amman principles of national mechanisms for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls

Beirut, 2021

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Latin America and the Caribbean towards Beijing + 25

Recommendations from the feminist agenda for social transformation
MexicoCity, 2021

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Goetz, Judith

Case study Austria

Berlin, 2021

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Biroli, Flávia

Case study Brazil

Berlin, 2021

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Feo, Francesca; Lavizzari, Anna

Case study Italy

Berlin, 2021

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