100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Publikationen


Dobranja, Dita; Jahaj, Rozafa; Loshaj, Jeta

Gender analysis

A multifaceted overview of gender justice in Kosova
Prishtina, 2024

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Women CSO leaders for systemic change

How to support feminist leadership in Europe
Brussels, 2024

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Women in peace mediation in Mali

A case study of women's participation in recent and ongoing peace processes
AddisAbaba, 2024

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Bohland, Pat

Die gerechte Mobilitätswende ist feministisch

Bonn, 2024

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Tearing us from our land, tears out our roots

Voices of the women from Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2024

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Gurumurthy, Anita; Chami, Nandini

Charter feministischer Forderungen aus dem globalen Süden

Ein Global Digital Compact für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit
Bonn, 2024

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Hendricks, Cheryl; Lucey, Amanda; Sambo Macaringue, Lóide da Gloria

Making women's roles and experiences visible in countering and preventing violent extremism

The forgotten women of Cabo Delgado
Maputo, 2023

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Historicizing migrant domestic workers' community organizing and class struggle in Lebanon

Beirut, 2023

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Barry, Coeli; Kahlon, Harpreet

COVID-19 crisis and women in Asia

Reflections from COVID-19 and the prospects for gender justice in Thailand
Kathmandu, 2023

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Women in construction, wood and forestry

Bonn, 2023

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