100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Publikationen


Family law in the MENA region

Beirut, 2020

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The LGBTI movement in Cyprus

Activism, law, and change across the divide : Report 2019
Nikosia, 2020

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Laguilles-Timog, Rowena A.

Feminist perspective on the future of work in the Philippines

PasigCity, 2019

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Entlastung gesucht

Gute Politik für Frauen mit geringem Einkommen
Bonn, 2019

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Nasser, Amal

Feminist visions of the future of work

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Berlin, 2019

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Torres Santana, Ailynn

Feminist visions of the future of work

Latin America
Berlin, 2019

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Dicks, Crystal; Govender, Prakashnee

Feminist visions of the future of work

Berlin, 2019

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Aneja, Urvashi

Feminist visions of the future of work

Berlin, 2019

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Pari... was?

Fragen und Antworten zu Parität und Paritätsgesetz
Berlin, 2019

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Pari... what?

Crib sheet on gender parity and gender parity law in politics
Berlin, 2019

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