100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Publikationen


Atem, Aluel; Lopa, Eva

Young women in political institutions in South Sudan

Lessons from lived experiences
Juba, 2023

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Shelest, Hanna; Gaber, Yevgeniya

Is Ukraine ready for a feminist foreign policy?

Kyiv, 2023

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Women's study in the Republic of Kosovo (2021/2022)

Insights on society, family, values, education, employment, politics, security and healthcare
Prishtina, 2023

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Eneva, Stoyanka

COVID impact on gender inequalities in Bulgaria

Sofia, 2023

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Thissen, Laeticia

Towards a care-led recovery for the EU?

A feminist analysis of the national recovery and resilience plans
Brussels, 2023

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Sodnomdarjaa, Davaasuren

Kovid-19 ba Mongol dah' žendėrijn tėgš bajdal

Ulaanbaatar, 2023

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Gender non-discrimination in advertising

The struggle and victory of Ukraine
Kyiv, 2022

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Female forced migrants from Ukraine in European countries: a new reality

study of the situation of women who had to leave Ukraine after 24 February 2022 to relocate to other European countries
Kyiv, 2022

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Proko, Erisa

Harnessing the power of women in the security agenda

Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Albania from the public opinion perspective
Tirana, 2022

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Kažoka, Iveta; Pelse, Dārta; Tarasova-Dubkeviča, Sintija

Covid-19 and gender in Latvia

Riga, 2022

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