Alle Publikationen zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik

Boswell, Alan

Do local peace deals work?

Evidence from South Sudan's civil war
Kampala, 2019

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Korsunskyj, Serhij; Utkin, Sergey

Das Normandie-Format - Chancen auf Verständigung?

Die ukrainische und russische Perspektive auf die Streitpunkte
Moskau, 2019

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One year after the re-imposition of sanctions

Perspectives on the strategic implications of the US "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran
Berlin, 2019

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Spanger, Hans-Joachim

Rethinking European security

Wien, 2019

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Goda, Samuel

OSCE and Donbas

Missing piece
Wien, 2019

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Wermenbol, Grace

Israel-Palästina und der Deal des Jahrhunderts

Die US-Außenpolitik unter Präsident Donald J. Trump 2017-2019
Berlin, 2019

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Wermenbol, Grace

Israel-Palestine and the deal of the century

U.S. foreign policy under president Donald J. Trump 2017-2019
Berlin, 2019

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Dashty, Mohammad Faheem

The public's voice in the peace process

Kabul, 2019

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Htoo Htet Naing; Kyaw Zin Lin

Hidden truths of the invisible

The experiences of double minorities in Northern Rakhine State during violent conflict
Yangon, 2019

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Htet Lynn Oo; Myo Myo Kyaw

Collaboration as a plus for peace

Increasing youth participation in Myanmar's peace-building process through collaboration
Yangon, 2019

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Gum San Awng; Mi Aye Khine; Nyan Tun Aung

The deadlocking factors in Myanmar's peace process

Yangon, 2019

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Hnin Aye Hlaing; La Gyi Zau Lawn

Framing the constitution-making process for peace-building in Myanmar

The perspectives of ethnic armed organizations and civil society
Yangon, 2019

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Gnanguênon, Amandine

A cooperation of variable geometry

the African Union and regional economic communities
Berlin, 2019

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Gnanguênon, Amandine

Eine Kooperation mit variabler Geometrie

die Afrikanische Union und die regionalen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften
Berlin, 2019

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Ganser, Helmut W.; Murck, Manfred

Innere und äussere Sicherheit

Den Anspruch des "Comprehensive Approach" einlösen
Berlin, 2019

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