Alle Publikationen zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik

Matejčić, Barbara; Bosanac, Gordan

The faces of peaceful reintegration

Stories of ordinary people in extraordinary times
Zagreb, 2022

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Dare to change

Inspiring perspectives and key ideas for Helsinki 2025
Wien, 2022

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Nothing about us, without us

Youth empowerment mechanisms in rule of law
Wien, 2022

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Preventing VERLT on social media

Youth perspectives on the prevention of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terrorism within a human rights framework
Wien, 2022

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Public-private partnerships

Preventing cyberattacks on critical Infrastructure in the OSCE region
Wien, 2022

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Resilience by design

How COIVD-19 has shaped digitalization in education
Wien, 2022

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Youth & good environmental governance

The OSCE role in strengthening youth involvement on environmental policy
Wien, 2022

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Implementation of the peace agreement turned out lethal for social leadership

Bogotá, 2021

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Security of ex-combatants

A debt that claimed 290 lives
Bogotá, 2021

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The silence of the guns was short-lived

Bogotá, 2021

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Colombia, facing the mirror of truth

Bogotá, 2021

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Five years searching for peace amid fractures

Bogotá, 2021

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JEP moves forward, despite oppoosition

Bogotá, 2021

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PNIS, a program implemented in dribs and drabs

Bogotá, 2021

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Reincorporation of former guerrillas, a bittersweet balance

Bogotá, 2021

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