Alle Publikationen zu Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik

Eine Welt ohne Hunger in einer Welt voller Konflikte?

Herausforderungen und Chancen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ernährungssicherung und Friedensförderung ; Dokumentation der Podiumsdiskussion zum Internationalen Friedenstag 2014 ; Bonn, 21. September 2014
Berlin, 2015

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Zimmermann, Till

Völkerstrafrecht als Verhandlungsmasse?

Deals mit Diktatoren sind nur in engen Grenzen akzeptabel
Berlin, 2015

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Ma'oz, Moshe

A national or religious conflict?

the dispute over the Temple Mount/Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem
Berlin, 2015

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Brüne, Stefan

Ratlos in Mogadischu?

Europa, die USA und die internationale Gemeinschaft in Somalia
Berlin, 2015

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McDermott, Jeremy

The Paraguayan People's Army

a new rebel group or simple bandits?
Bogotá,FES,2015, 2015

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McDermott, Jeremy

The changing face of Colombian organized crime

Jeremy McDermott. - Bogotá : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, [2015]. - 11 S. = 1,6 MB PDF-File. - (Perspectivas
Bogotá,FES,2015, 2015

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Civil society guide to national social protection floors

Berlin, 2016

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Kanol, Direnç

Inclusiveness and the perceived legitimacy of peace treaties

Nicosia, 2019

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International Conference Current Security Challenges for the Western Balkan Region

study based on inputs given at the International Conference organized on 20-21 November 2014 in Prishtina
Prishtina, 2017

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Report on the usefulness of the piece-meal model in the case of Cyprus

Nicosia, 2019

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Witt, Antonia

10th FES annual conference: Peace and security in the Horn of Africa

"consolidating regional cooperation while protecting national security interests: diametric opposition or precondition for peace and security?" ; Nairobi, Kenya, 21-22 October 2014
AddisAbaba, 2015

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Avezov, Xenia; Lijn, Jaïr van der; Müller-Hennig, Marius

Friedenseinsätze in einer sich ändernden Weltordnung

Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen
Berlin, 2014

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Kilembe, Faouzi

Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit in der Republik Zentralafrika: "Mission impossible?"

Yaounde, 2015

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Avezov, Xenia; Lijn, Jaïr van der; Müller-Hennig, Marius

Peace operations in a changing world order

unpacking core challenges
Berlin, 2014

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Onuoha, Freedom C.

A danger not to Nigeria alone

Boko Harams's transnational reach and regional responses
Abuja, 2014

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