Alle Publikationen zu Internationale Gemeinschaft und Zivilgesellschaft

Belarusian civil society report on sustainable development goals implementation

Trends since 2016
Kyiv, 2022

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Graždanskij obzor realizacii celej ustojčivogo razvitija v Belarusi

Trendy s 2016 goda
Kyiv, 2022

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Manuel, Marcus

Financing social protection

Domestic and external options in low-income countries
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Gil Pinzón, Catalina

Conversaciones ciudadanas sobre reforma policial

Bogotá, 2022

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Bíró-Nagy, András; Szászi, Áron; Varga, Attila

Széttartó világok

Polarizáció a magyar társadalomban a 2022-es választások után
Budapest, 2022

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Las guardias comunitarias como protectoras de vida y constructoras de paz

Bogotá, 2022

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Lehmann, Volker

Grundstein oder Grabstein der UN?

Was eine kleine Reform des Vetos im Sicherheitsrat für die Handlungsfähigkeit der Vereinten Nationen bedeuten könnte
Bonn, 2022

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Lwanga-Ntale, Charles

A global fund for social protection

Views from selected low-income countries
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Kaltenborn, Markus; Kreft, Laura

Governance principles for a global fund for social protection

Markus Kaltenborn, Laura Kreft ; Issuing Department: Division for International Cooperation
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Vivas Franco, Careli Isabel

Participación ciudadana frente al cambio climático

Experiencias de abordaje en gobiernos locales
BuenosAires, 2022

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Cichon, Michael; Lanz, Hajo

Creating fiscal and policy space

A pragmatic two-pronged global implementation strategy for universal social protection
Geneva, 2022

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Shin, Eui-Chul

A Study on the legal issues related to revitalization of the United Nations Command (UNC)

Focusing on violations of international laws and the constitution of the Republic of Korea
Seoul, 2022

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Andrade, Rocío; Saball, Paulina

Participación de la sociedad civil en gobiernos descentralizados

Revisión de algunas experiencias internacionales
SantiagodeChile, 2021

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Nega, Fredu; Ageba, Gebrehiwot; Seid, Edris H.

Regional integration and poverty reduction in the Horn of Africa

The AfCFTA perspective
AddisAbaba, 2021

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Beeri Kasser-Tee, Clara K.

Civil societies' input for reform of social protection in Ghana

Accra, 2021

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