Alle Publikationen zu Internationale Gemeinschaft und Zivilgesellschaft

Awad, Ahmad M.; Sting, Anna

What good did the free liquidity do Jordan?

LaMarsa, 2023

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Ismail, Yasmin; Bhagat, Varun

Make a difference!

Differential treatment of developing countries in trade and climate change regimes
Bonn, 2023

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Sajous, Leslie

Be more holistic!

Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of financing
Bonn, 2023

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Diogo, Alexandre; Kaukab, Rashid S.

Don't run alone!

Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of agriculture
Bonn, 2023

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Kaltenborn, Markus

Expanding global social protection

Options for the design of an international financing mechanism
Bonn, 2023

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Kaltenborn, Markus

Ausweitung der sozialen Sicherung

Optionen zur Ausgestaltung eines internationalen Finanzierungsmechanismus
Bonn, 2023

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UN in focus

NewYork;Bonn, 2022

Zur Publikation

Haas, Astrid R.N.

Political economy of urban public transport in Africa and the role of the World Bank

Johannesburg, 2023

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Civil society in the shadows of Nigeria's core conflicts

Abuja, 2022

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Baumann, Max-Otto; Haug, Sebastian; Weinlich, Silke

China's expanding engagement with the United Nations Development Pillar

The selective long-term approach of a programme country superpower
Bonn, 2022

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Bíró-Nagy, András; Szászi, Áron; Varga, Attila

Magyarország értéktérképe 2022

Budapest, 2022

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Attree, Larry

Function before form

Optimising the UNʿs counter-terrorism architecture
Bonn, 2022

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Uncovered: the role of the IMF in shrinking the social protection

Case studies from Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco
LaMarsa, 2022

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Rehbein, Kristina

A decade of rosy forecasts

How the IMF underestimated debt risks in the MENA region
LaMarsa, 2022

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Global solidarity funding for social protection

A brief for the case of Nepal and Uganda
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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