Medien und Netzpolitik

Chaves G., J. Ignacio

Las pintadas, acción política y comunicativa en las paredes

Bogota, 2020

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Turčilo, Lejla; Rondić, Adnan

Mediji i kultura sjećanja

Kratki osvrt u povodu diskusije o medijskoj kulturi sjećanja u BiH
Sarajevo, 2020

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Turčilo, Lejla; Rondić, Adnan

The media and the culture of remembrance

Brief remarks after the discussion on media role in the culture of remembrance in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sarajevo, 2020

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Singh, Parminder Jeet

Direitos econômicos em uma sociedade de dados

Propriedade coletiva dos dados, direitos de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras e o papel do setor público
Montevideo, 2020

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Singh, Parminder Jeet

Unsere Rechte an Gemeinschaftsdaten

Kollektiver Datenbesitz, Rechte von Arbeitnehmer ̲innen und die Rolle des öffentlichen Sektors
Berlin, 2020

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Steenfadt, Olaf

Sustaining journalism during Covid-19

How the EU can turn digital Platform regulation into a tool for democracy
Budapest, 2020

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Binder, Inés; García Gago, Santiago

Politizar la tecnología

Radios comunitarias y derecho a la comunicación en los territorios digitales
Bogota, 2020

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Ben Harb, Naima

La communication au service de l'Organisation

Présentation et enjeux ; Guide pratique
Tunis, 2020

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A lockdown for independent media?

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the media landscape and press freedom in Central and Southeast Europe ; Working paper
Budapest, 2020

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Máriás, Leonárd

A járványhelyzet hatása a közéleti sajtóra

Budapest, 2020

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