Publikationen zu Gewerkschaften und gute Arbeit


Arnyékjelentés a kollektív szerzödés magyar szabályozásáról

Javaslatok a 2022/2041/EU irányelvben elöírt akciótervhez
Budapest, 2024

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Slaiby, Ghassan

[The crisis of the Lebanese Trade Union Movement in a time of collapse]

Beirut, 2024

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Nogarede, Justin; Silberman, Michael; Bronowicka, Joanna

Improving workplace data protection

Achieving workplace GDPR compliance, clarifying national workplace data protection rules, and enhancing worker data protection through social dialogue
Brussels, 2024

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Abraha, Halefom

Bargaining over workersʿ data rights

How unions and works councils can use collective bargaining to specify workplace data protection norms
Brussels, 2024

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Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish

Care platforms

Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective
Brussels, 2024

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Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish

Care platforms

Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective ; overview report
Brussels, 2024

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Murphy, Caroline; Pais, Ivana; Gibbons, Tish


Auswirkungen und Herausforderungen aus der Gewerkschaftsperspektive ; Übersicht
Brussels, 2024

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Inclusión laboral para la ciudad justa

Capacitación digital para jóvenes de La Matanza
BuenosAires, 2024

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Stevenson, Howard; Milner, Alison L.; Vega Castillo, Maria Antonietta

Getting stronger together

Trade union renewal in education
Brussels, 2024

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Otero Trujillo, Gabriel André

Evolución de los derechos laborales y sindicales en Ecuador

Quito, 2024

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