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Aktuelle Publikationen zu Flucht, Migration, Integration

Venezuela en Surquillo

Inseguridad alimentaria e inclusión social y económica de la población migrante venezolana del distrito de Surquillo
Lima, 2021

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Welfens, Natalie; Lehmann, Julian; Wagner, Marie

Towards a Global Resettlement Alliance

Bonn, 2021

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Barbarić, Dražen; Bošnjak, Ana-Mari; Galić, Domagoj

Perception of 'European solidarity' in Bosnia and Herzegovina: exploring the impact of the migrant crisis

Sarajevo, 2021

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Qaisrani, Ayesha

Bridging the gaps - migration management and policy options for Afghan refugees in Pakistan

Islamabad, 2021

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Markous, Amera; Bonfiglio, Ayla; Murphy-Teixidor, Ana-Maria

The impact of COVID-19 on EU Mediterranean migration policies

The case of Libya
LaMarsa, 2021

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Markous, Amera; Bonfiglio, Ayla; Murphy-Teixidor, Ana-Maria

[The impact of COVID-19 on EU Mediterranean migration policies]

[The case of Libya]
LaMarsa, 2021

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Barbarić, Dražen; Bošnjak, Ana-Mari; Galić, Domagoj

Percepcija "europske solidarnosti" u Bosni i Hercegovini

Istraživanje utjecaja migrante krize
Sarajevo, 2021

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Ohne sie geht nichts mehr

Welchen Beitrag leisten Migrant ̲ innen und Geflüchtete zur Sicherung der Arbeitskräftebedarfe in Fachkraftberufen in Deutschland?
Bonn, 2021

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Vodo, Teuta; Riou, Alexandre

Refugee law and its implementation in the Western Balkans

Tirana, 2021

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Vodo, Teuta; Riou, Alexandre

Migrantët dhe kriza e refugjatëve

Menaxhimi i fluksit migrator në Ballkanin Perëndimor
Tirana, 2021

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