100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht – Publikationen


Gyarmati, Andrea

Ageing and care for the elderly in Hungary

General survey and problems
Budapest, 2019

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Pari... was?

Spickzettel zu Parität und Paritätsgesetz in der Politik
Berlin, 2019

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Ehing, Claudia

Feminismus im Aufwind

Feministische Bewegungen in Lateinamerika und der Karibik trotzen dem Rechtsruck
Berlin, 2019

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Rahman, Rushidan I.; Islam, Rizwanul

Employment, labour force participation and education

Towards gender equality in Bangladesh
Dhaka, 2021

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Aloul, Sahar; Naffa, Randa; Mansour, May

Gender in public transportation

A perspective of women users of public transportation
Amman, 2019

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Fendel, Tanja

Die Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Frauen

Bonn, 2019

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Hidden resilience

Women's survival strategies narrative on climate change impacts
Jakarta, 2019

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Mahfoudh-Draoui, Dorra

Tunisian women at work and in the labour movement

Tunis, 2019

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Randriamaro, Zo

Beyond extractivism: feminist alternatives for a socially and gender just development in Africa

Maputo, 2019

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Fernandes, Marianna

Feminist alternatives to predatory extractivism

contributions and experiences from Latin America
Maputo, 2018

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