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EU's New Finance Instruments: The European Peace Facility

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Online discussion in English on peace and security with perspectives from Africa and Europe

Online discussion "EU's New Finance Instruments: The European Peace Facility "

Tuesday June 2, 2-3:30 pm CEST (via Zoom)

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's (FES) Africa Department and EU Office cordially invite you to the third online discussion in our series "What’s the offer? A new partnership between Europe and Africa". In the previous discussion we took a closer look on the future Africa-EU economic cooperation and EU’s financial instruments such as the External Investment Plan.

In 2020, the nature of the cooperation between the European Union and Africa is being negotiated and might profoundly change: a new EU-Sahel Strategy, a new EU-Africa Strategy, the EU-AU summit in autumn, the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the development of new finance instruments – all against the background of a shaky multilateralism an the challenges posed by the corona crisis. An opportunity to raise the partnership to “a new level”? An opportunity to address not only issues such as security, migration, hunger and poverty but also sustainability, the empowerment of women and youth and fair trade?

The EU is providing substantial financial support to the Africa Peace and Security Architecture (APSA). Within this framework, Germany is playing an important role through technical and institutional support. After the evaluation of the EU’s engagement towards the APSA by the European Court of Auditors in 2018, the EU’s engagement for peace, security and democracy on the African Continent will be re-defined through new financial instruments: the European Peace Facility (EPF) and the Neighbourhood, Development, International Cooperation instrument (NDICI). Both instruments will replace the African Peace Facilitate (APF). The APF - through its provisions on governance and a strong role of the AU PSC - strengthened the cooperation between the AU and the EU on a continental level. The way that EPF and NDICI are designed, they might lead to a more interest based and flexible engagement of the EU on peace and security on the African continent. In the discussion we will discuss the possible impact of the new financial instrument EPF and NDICI on the AU-EU, especially for the system of collective security and the long-term goal to strengthen civic conflict prevention.


Short input on the European Peace Facility (EPF) with regards to the AU-EU relations and collective security on the African continent:
Faith Mabera, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Global Diplomacy (IGD), Johannesburg

Discussion with:

  • Alex Ratebaye, Deputy Chief of Staff at the African Union
  • NN, Member of the European Parliament- Member of the Subcomittee on Security and Defense
  • NN, Directorate General for Development and Cooperation of the European Commission


  • Sidonie Wetzig, FES Brussels
  • Kirsten Schönefeld, FES Africa Department

Please register here by June 1st 2020. Log-in details will be communicated right before the session. Simultaneous interpretation for English and French will be provided.

Web-seminar series programme

12 May, 2pm – 3.30pm  #1 | Kick-Off ­­| What’s the offer? Expectation on the EU-Africa Year

19 May, 3.30pm – 5pm  #2 | New Finance Instruments | NDICI and Democracy Promotion

26 May, 2pm – 3.30pm  #3 | New Finance Instruments | The EU External Investment Plan

2 June, 2pm – 3.30pm  #4 | New Finance Instruments | The European Peace Facility

9 June, 2pm – 3.30pm  #5 | Wrap up and way ahead | Targeted Policy Advice


Sidonie Wetzig Webinar

Bild: Sidonie Wetzig Webinar 4 von FES


EU's New Finance Instruments: The European Peace Facility

Veranstaltungsnummer: 248179als .ics herunterladen

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's (FES) Africa Department and EU Office cordially invite you to the fourth webinar in our series "What's the offer? A new partnership between Europe and Africa". In the third webinar we took a closer look on the future Africa-EU economic cooperation and EU's financial instruments such as the External Investment Plan.

In 2020, the nature of the cooperation between the European Union and Africa is being negotiated and might profoundly change: a new EU-Sahel Strategy, a new EU-Africa Strategy, the EU-AU summit in autumn, the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the development of new finance instruments - all against the background of a shaky multilateralism and the challenges posed by the corona crisis. An opportunity to raise the partnership to »a new level«? An opportunity to address not only issues such as security, migration, hunger and poverty but also sustainability, the empowerment of women and youth and fair trade?

The EU is providing substantial financial support to the Africa Peace and Security Architecture (APSA). Within this framework, Germany is playing an important role through technical and institutional support. After the evaluation of the EU's engagement towards the APSA by the European Court of Auditors in 2018, the EU's engagement for peace, security and democracy on the African Continent will be re-defined through new financial instruments: the European Peace Facility (EPF) and the Neighbourhood, Development, International Cooperation instrument (NDICI). Both instruments will replace the African Peace Facilitate (APF). The APF - through its provisions on governance and a strong role of the AU PSC - strengthened the cooperation between the AU and the EU on a continental level. The way that EPF and NDICI are designed, they might lead to a more interest based and flexible engagement of the EU on peace and security on the African continent. In the webinar we will discuss the possible impact of the new financial instrument EPF and NDICI on the AU-EU, especially for the system of collective security and the long-term goal to strengthen civic conflict prevention.

The webinar will be held in English language with French interpretation.

More information on the topic and webinar series on our website: https://www.fes.de/en/together-towards-justainability


Dienstag, 02.06.20
14:00-15:30 Uhr





Eickhoff, Svende


Please register here by 1 June 2020


Kirsten Schönefeld
030 269 35 77 43

Referat Afrika


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

030-269 35-74 41

030-269 35-92 17



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