Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

Mills, Robin; Salman, Maryam

Powering Iraq

Challenges facing the electricity sector in Iraq
Amman, 2020

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Mills, Robin; Salman, Maryam

[Powering Iraq]

[Challenges facing the electricity sector in Iraq]
Amman, 2020

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The future of a just transition in Ukraine: Perceptions in coal mining towns

A report on the results of a survey of coal mining town residents in the Donetsk region
Kyiv, 2020

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Nabiyeva, Komila

Fostering the energy transition

Prospects for renewable energy and energy efficiency in South East and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia
Berlin, 2020

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Hammad, Ala'a

Coping with water scarcity

A "regional water club"
Berlin, 2020

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The mobility transition in the MENA region

Comparative policy perspectives
Amman, 2020

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Neighborhoods of Amman

Post Covid-19
Amman, 2020

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Climate action. Socially. Just

A manual of arguments for a fair and ecological society
Berlin, 2020

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Safonov, George

Green growth and innovation

Measuring progress in transition from planned to market economies
Berlin, 2020

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Hydrogen as a green energy source in the MENA region

Amman, 2020

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So geht es nicht weiter

Wege zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation in Lateinamerika
Berlin, 2020

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Das Klima-Handbuch für Kommunen

Den solidarisch-ökologischen Wandel erfolgreich gestalten
München, 2020

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Istepanian, Harry H.

Towards sustainable energy efficiency in Iraq

Amman, 2020

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Subventionen abbauen, Strukturwandel gestalten, Klima schützen
Bonn, 2020

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Istepanian, Harry H.

Iraq solar energy: from dawn to dusk

Amman, 2020

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