Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

Klima schützen - Mobilität erhalten

Impulse zur Bepreisung von C02 im Verkehr
Berlin, 2019

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Recommendations on E-Mobility in Jordan

based on a delegation trip to Germany
Amman, 2019

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The waters ahead for Latin America

Challenges and opportunities for social-ecological transformation
Mexiko, 2019

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Almasri, Reem; Alshamali, Abdallah; Chevillard, Naomi

Decentralized solar in Jordan

Streamlining administrative procedures to maximize socio-economic benefits ; Report to the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Amman, 2019

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Almasri, Reem; Alshamali, Abdallah; Chevillard, Naomi

[Decentralized solar in Jordan]

[Streamlining administrative procedures to maximize socio-economic benefits ; Report to the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung]
Amman, 2019

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Energy transition phase model - MENA

Case of Jordan: the sustainable transformation of energy systems
Amman, 2019

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Lessenich, Stephan


Energiesteuern sozialverträglich gestalten
Bonn, 2019

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Hatzfeld, Ulrich; Bormann, René

Stadtentwicklungs- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik

Zusammen denken, zusammen handeln
Bonn, 2019

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Bruckner, Thomas; Kondziella, Hendrik


Die nächste Stufe der Energiewende
Bonn, 2019

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Aloul, Sahar; Naffa, Randa; Mansour, May

Gender in public transportation

A perspective of women users of public transportation
Amman, 2019

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Ventura-Dias, Vivianne

Global capitalism and the challenges facing social-ecological transformation in Latin America

Mexiko, 2019

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Kreimerman, Roberto

Economic context in Latin America

Outlook and trends for social-ecological transformation
Mexiko, 2019

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Cálix Rodríguez, J. Álvaro

Political change in Latin America

Limits and opportunities for social-ecological transformation
Mexiko, 2019

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Jahn, Andreas; Ecke, Julius

Die Grundversorgung mit Strom und Gas in Deutschland

Potenziale zur Verbraucherentlastung und Handlungsoptionen
Bonn, 2019

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Müller, Michael


Zum ungelösten Problem der Kernenergie
Bonn, 2019

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